Comment upon the following : Rigidity, Compressibility, fluidity, Density, shape and volume

Compressibility :  It means tendency to decrease volume when some outside force is applied. Spacing between particles of  gases can be decreased so gases have high compressibility. But spacing between particles of solid or liquid can not be decreased, so they cannot be compressed.
Applications of compressed Gas -

- Compressed helium gas is filled in air balloons.

- Compressed natural gas (CNG) is filled in cylinders  which are used for cooking.

Rigidity -  It is the property of a substance to resist any deformation like change in shape, being compressed etc. Solids have high rigidity, liquids have less rigidity and gases have no rigidity.


- Fluids are substances which can flow

- Liquids and gases have fluidity

- But solids do not have fluidity

Density : It means mass per unit volume

Density = Mass / Volume

Particles in solids are very closely packed So they have high density. In gases, there is plaenty of space between particles due to  which density is low.

Shape and volume

Shape - Due to less attraction force between particles, particles of liquid and gas can easily move around. This they can take any shape as per the container.

Volume -

-   gases have so little attraction among particles that they can easily change spacing between them selves, So they can easily change their volume.

- In liquids, attraction force is large enough So that spacing between particles does not change easily, So liquid has fireed volume and same with solids.

- Solids can change shape on applying force Liquids and gases do not need force to be applied for changing shape.

- Some solids have gas inside them, So they can be easily squeezed to change shope.

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