Class 7th History Chapter 10

Intext Question Page No. 139 Q 1. See chapter 4, Table 1, which group of people   challenged Mughal authority for the longest time  in Aurangzeb's reign? Answer: Marthas challenged Mughal authority for the longest time in Aurangzeb's reign.
Intext Question Page No. 144 Q 1. In trying to consolidate their rule, why did Mughal  subadars also wnt to control the office of diwan. Answer: The office of diwan was the finance office. By controlling finances of a province subaars or governors could actually exert full control over other officers and thus consolidate their position. Intext Question Page No. 148 Q 1. What is the Khalsa? Do you recall reading about it  in chapter 8? Answer: Khalsa is the political wing of Sikhs. It' consists warriors. Yes' I have read about it in Chapter 8. Intext Question Page No. 152 Q 1. You are a ruler of an eighteen century kingdom. Tell  us about the steps you would take to make your position  strong in your province, and what opposition or problems  you might face while doing so. Answer: (i) In order to make my position strong, I would reform military and financial systems of my province. (ii) I would end corruption in the administration. (ii) The most expected problem would be the attack be some other kingdom. I would be ready to face any such attack. Additional Question. Question 1. Whcih Afghan ruler invaded North India  five times? Answer. The Afghan ruler Admad Shah Abdaali invaded North India five timesbetween 1748 and 1761.   Question 2. Name two groups in which Mughal nobility was  divided? Answer: The Mughal nobility was dividedinto the Iranis and Turanis (nobles of Turkish descent) sections.   Question 3. Which new state were old Mughal provinces? Answer: The new states of Awadh, Bengal and Hyderabad were old Mughal provinces.   Question 4. Where did Maharaja Ranjit Singh establish  his rule? Answer: Maharaja Ranjit Singh establish his rule between river Indus to the Jammu. His capital was Lahore. ----------------- Exercises Solved Let's Recall Question 1. Match the following: Subadar a revenue farmer Faujdar a high noble ijaradar provincial governor misl Maratha peasant worriors Chauth a Mughal military commander kunbis a band of Sikh worriors umara tax levied by the Marathas Answer: Subadar _____ provincial governor Faujdar _____ a Mughal military commander ijaradar _____ a revenue farmer misl _____ a band of Sikh worriors Chauth _____ tax levied by the Marathas kunbis _____ Maratha peasant worriors umara _____ a high noble Question 2. Fill in the blanks (a) Aurangzeb fought a protracted was in the _______. (b) Umara and jagirdars constituted powerful sections  of the Mughal _______. (c) Asaf Jah was given charge of the Deccan subadari  in _______. (d) The founder of the Awadh nawabi was _______. Answer: (a) Aurangzeb fought a protracted was in the Deccan. (b) Umara and jagirdars constituted powerful sections of the Mughal nobility. (c) Asaf Jah was given charge of the Deccan subadari in 1724. (d) The founder of the Awadh nawabi was Sa'adat Khan.   Question 3. State wether the true or false: (a) Nadir Shah invaded Bengal.() (b) Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of Indore.() (c) Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.() (d) Poona became the capital of Marathas in the  eighteenth century.() Answer: (a) Nadir Shah invaded Bengal.(False) (b) Sawai Raja Jai Singh was the ruler of Indore.(False) (c) Guru Gobind Singh was the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.(True) (d) Poona became the capital of Marathas in the eighteenth century.(True)   Question 4 .What were the offices held by Sa'adat Khan? Answer: Sa'adat Khan held the officers of Subadari,diwani, and faujdara. In other words, he was responsible formanaging the political, financial and military affairs of the province of Awadh.   Let's Discuss Question 5. Why did the Nawabs of Awadh and Bengal try  to do away with the jagirdari system? Answer: 1. Under the jagirdari system, revenue was collected by the jagidars appointed by the Mughal emperor. 2.By abolishing emperor-appointed jagirdars the Nawabs of Awadh and Bengal tried to taske the revenue (finance) department under their control. 3. The transfer or dimmissal of the jagirdars and selling the right to collect revenue to revenue farmers made Nawabs exert and acquire control over the resources of the province.Hence, they tried to do way with the jagirdari system.   Question 6. How were Sikhs organised in the eighteenth  century? Answer: 1. After the Guru Gobind Singh, Sikhs were mobolised by Banda Bahadur, who declared their sovereign rule by striking coins in the name of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh. However, he was executed by Mughals in 1761. 2. Undra number of able leaders in the eighteenth century, the Sikhs organised themselves into a number of band called jathas and later on misls. 3. Thier combined forces were known as the grand army. 4. The entire body used to meet at the time of Baisakhi and Diwali to take collective decisions. 5. A system called rakhi was introduced offering protection to cultivators on the payment of a tax of 20 percent of the produce.   Question 7. Why did Marathas want to expand beyond the  Deccan? Answer. Marathas wanted to establish their uquestioned rule over the subcontinent. They also turned untold booty and resource from the wars they fought. Therefore, they wanted to expand beyond Deccan.   Let's Do Question 8. What were the policies adopted by Asag Jah  to strengthen his position? Answer.In order to strengthen his position Asaf hah adpoted following policies: 1. He brought skilled soldiers and adminstrators from northern India who welcomed the new opportunities in the south. 2. He appointed manabdar and granted jagir. 3. He worked indepently of ther Mughal Emperor.   Question 9.Do you think merchants and bankers today  have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth  century? Answer. 1. Yes, I think merchants and bankers today have the kind of influence they had in the eighteenth century. 2. For example, Rliance Company has entered into the electricity distribution in Delhi. 3. It has already installed new electric meters that rum much faster than the previous meteres. 4. In this way the common man suffers, as he would have suffered in 18th century. 5. And the state government don't do anything in this matter. 6. This proves the merchant/banker connection with governmental authorities.   Question 10. Did any for the kingdoms mentioned in this  chapter develop in your state? if so, in what ways do you  think life in the state would have been different in  the 19th century form what it is in the twentyu-first  century? Answer. Students, do it yourselves. [Hint: Life would have been influenced by the political activity and wars.]   Let's do Question 11. Find out more about the architecture and  culture associated with the new courts of any of the  following Awadh, Bengal or Hyderabad. Answer. Architecture and culture Awadh: The mignificent city of the Awadh rulers is a confluence of the richest forms of art, culture and traditions. It is under Awadh rule that art form like Kathak, Thumri, Khayal, Dadra, Qwali, Ghazals and Shero-Shairi saw their finest hour. Culinary skills, too reached heights of excellence. The legacy of the equisite embroidery continues even today. The field of architecture saw re-intepretation of the existing syles and exprementation in the fusin of the occidental and the oriental style of archietecture. Tourist attractions include: Bara Iammbara Built in the year 1784 by the chapion of charity Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula,The Bara Iammbara provide food to the faminesticken subjects of the Nawab. The monument is known for its simplicity of style, sheer proportion and symmetry. Clock Tower The 22 feet beautuful clocl tower, constructed in 1887, is the tallest Clock Tower in India and one of the finest examples of British architecture in India. Sa'adat Ali's Tomb The twin maqbaras of Sa'adat Ali's Khan and Khurshid Zadi, near Begum Hazrat Park, are one of the best examples of Awadh architecture. The proportionate domes with elegant kiosks and above all, well balanced architectural design makes them extermely interesting. Lakshman Tila It is situated to the north of the Imambara complex. The Tila contains the famous Alamgiri Mosque built by Sultan Ali, Governor of the province of Awadh, durin the region of`Aurangzeb. The mosque is known for its outstanding symmetry of form and sobriety of decoration. Rumi Darwaja The Rumi Darwaja leads to the outer sectin of the Bara Imambara and is widely believed to be a facsimile of one of the gates of Constantinople. Also known as the`Turkish Gateway,it is brilliant example of Awadh architecture. Chattar Manzil The Umbrella Palace is an imposing facade with huge underground rooms and a beautiful dome surrounded by a git umbrella. Jama Masjid The construction of this mosque was started in 1840 by Mohammad Ali Shah but it was finally completed by his wife Begum Malika Jahan after hi death. This splendid mosque built in the typical Mughal style lies to the west of Hussainabad Imambara. It is entirely free from pseudo Italian art then in vogue in Lucknow. Moti Mahal There are three beautiful buildings on the fringes of the Gomti. The main one is the Moti Mahal or the Pearl Palace constructed by Navab Sa' adat Ali Khan. The other two include Mubarak Manzil and the Sahah Manzil. They were mainly constructed for the Nawab and his courtiers to watch animals combats from the balconies of the buildings. Question 12. Collect populars tales about rulers from any  one of the following groups of people: the Rajputs, Jats,  Sikha or Marathas. Answer. Students, do it yourselves. [Hint: you can search through internet or talk to your teachers about such heroic tales.

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